5 Ways to Reduce Quiet Quitting with The Help of Employee Benefits

Is Another Wave of Quiet Quitting on the Way?

Despite a shifting economic environment, there is still a wave of quiet quitting occurring. This term doesn’t mean losing employees. It refers to when employees disengage in the workplace without formally resigning.

Quiet quitting typically occurs when employees feel unsupported, undervalued, or unfulfilled in their work or organization, and can manifest in various ways. Employees might take longer breaks, become less productive, or become less engaged in company activities.

It can be a significant problem for employers, as it can lead to lower productivity and waning morale, and can make it difficult to retain high-performing employees.

Addressing this problem in an organization requires a proactive and strategic approach to create a positive and supportive workplace culture  that values collaboration, respect, and open communication. This leads to increased employee engagement, recognition, and productivity.

Employers can also address quiet quitting through a competitive employee benefits package.

This can include things like health and dental insurance, retirement savings plans, paid time off, and a healthcare spending account.

Additionally, offering flexible working arrangements, such as telecommuting or flexible scheduling can help to improve job satisfaction and reduce the likelihood of quiet quitting.

5 Ways Employee Benefits Can Fight Quiet Quitting:

 Financial Security

Employee benefits such as health insurance, retirement plans, and paid time off can help reduce financial insecurity and promote equity. Financial stress can be a significant factor in employee disengagement, so offering a benefits package that provides basic benefits can go a long way in reducing quiet quitting.

Work-Life Balance

Benefits such as flexible work arrangements, child care assistance, and parental leave can help support work-life balance and promote inclusion by accommodating diverse needs and responsibilities. When employees feel that their work and personal lives are in balance, they are more likely to remain engaged and committed to their jobs.

Professional Development

Employee benefits that include professional development opportunities, such as training, coaching, mentoring, and tuition reimbursement, can help employees feel valued and supported. Providing opportunities for growth and development can help prevent employees from feeling stuck in their careers and looking for new opportunities elsewhere.

Health and Wellness

Employee benefits that promote health and wellness, such as gym memberships, wellness programs, and mental health support, can help reduce stress and burnout. When employees are healthy and well, they are more likely to remain engaged and productive at work.

Employee Resource Groups

Employee resource groups (ERGs) can provide a space for employees from diverse backgrounds to connect, share experiences, and advocate for their needs within the organization. By creating a sense of community and belonging, ERGs can help reduce feelings of isolation and disengagement.

Ask an Alberta Employee Benefits Advisor at Benefit Strategies Inc.

It’s important for employers to be aware of the signs of quiet quitting and to take steps to address any underlying issues in order to retain valuable employees.

Learn more about boosting morale and retaining talent by speaking with one of our trusted advisors.

Send us an email at inquiries@benefitstrategiesinc.ca or call us at (780) 437-5070.