What Would An Ambulance Cost You?

What Would An Ambulance Cost You?

Did you know:

Not all benefits cover the ambulance cost. Depending on your benefits policy, the ambulance coverage may only cover transportation. This means you cannot submit receipts for an ambulance if Emergency Medical Services (EMS) come to your location but do not transport you to the hospital.

Does your benefits policy cover ambulance cost?

Check with your current insurance provider to avoid disappointment. This is a time when Alberta is facing severe demand for emergency medical services. There’s also a real shortage of staff due to the overwhelming effects of the coronavirus pandemic and the opioid crisis.

Alberta Emergency Medical Services have experienced a sustained increase in calls since last February, with the provincial average up roughly 30% according to the Alberta government.

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More questions about your health coverage?

You can contact Benefit Strategies Inc. by sending an email to inquiries@benefitstrategiesinc.ca. We can help you demystify your policy coverages and ensure your benefits are working for you, not against you.

We can also be reached by phone at 780-437-5070.